美国南达科他矿业及理工学院,地质工程系助理教授方毅将招收一名地质或地质工程PHD学生一到两名(全奖),方毅教授同时招生硕士生(半奖),极优秀者硕士经系里批准可获全奖。欢迎我校优秀的本科和硕士生申请。感兴趣者请直接联系方老师 (yi.fang@sdsmt.edu)。具体职位信息,联系方式如下 (https://sites.google.com/sdsmt.edu/fang)。

The Geological Engineering program in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering at South Dakota Mines is seeking a Ph.D. student to join the Dr. Yi Fang’s Subsurface Geofluids and Geomechanics Lab (SG2L).

This Ph.D. student will work with multi-disciplinary researchers in South Dakota Mines to explore the coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical-chemical-microbial (THMC-M) processes in geomaterials related to subsurface geo-energy applications (e.g., CO2 storage and sequestration, geothermal reservoir engineering, methane hydrate-bearing sediments).
The Ph.D. project will include sample and field data collection, laboratory analysis, numerical modeling, and develop new skills in data analysis and visualization. The student will have the opportunity to be involved in the fieldwork at the Sanford Underground Research Facility, only 1 hour away from South Dakota Mines. The student is expected to travel and present the research work at national or international conferences, and publish the research work in journal articles.
Applications will remain open until a candidate has been appointed. Interested candidates, please send a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV). For further information or if you want to discuss your research plan, please feel free to contact Dr. Yi Fang (Email: Yi.Fang@sdsmt.edu). For more information, please visit: https://sites.google.com/sdsmt.edu/fang/opportunities
Requirements and Preferred Qualifications:
•A master degree in science (hydrogeology, geophysics, physics, and material) and engineering (geological, petroleum, civil, mining) or a related field at the time of hire.
•Excellent communication and writing skills and working proficiency in English.
•Excellent independent problem-solving skills
•A strong interest in interdisciplinary research.
•Experimental experience with soil mechanics, rock mechanics, or petrophysics is preferred.
•Experience in Matlab or Python is preferred.
•Experience in geochemistry is preferred.
•Demonstrated publication record is preferred.

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